Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A brief history of vegetarianism by Kyle Kendall

A brief history of vegetarianism
 by Kyle Kendall

Although it has only been in recent years in the west that we have seen large amounts of people make the decision to live vegetarian and vegan lifestyles there has been groups, communities and individuals around forever.
Right through history there has been vegetarians recorded too and even as far back as the middle ages, Thomas Parr, also known as ‘old Parr’ born in 1483 and died in 1635, you can find him buried in Westminster Abbey and if it isn’t interesting enough that his tombstone says he lived to be 152, he married very late in life and had children after the age of 100! Although this information is very controversial he was interred by the king of England, and modern science will confirm that we are built to live 150 years and optimal nutrition is the only route. “Whether or not Thomas Parr actually lived 152 years will never be proven or dis-proven. We can only acknowledge that he is recorded to have lived that long in one of England’s most prestigious burial places.” – Dr. Doug Ikeler.
The Quaker movement and the nonconformist campaign against drinking alcohol also embraced the vegetarian diet by many of their members in the 19th century.
There were many groups in Britain developing a meat free diet at the turn of the 18th century but up until 1847 the word vegetarian did not exist. The vegetarian society was founded in the year 1847, it was a coming together of a number of vegetarian groups. Vegetarianism was seen by some as an answer or solution to a number of social problems caused by the industrial revolution. During the progression of this diet in the west a group of vegetarians broke away renouncing all animal products. The ethics of consuming dairy products were hotly debated within the vegetarian community as early as 1909. Despite opposition from the prominent vegetarians not even willing to consider adopting a diet free of all animal products, in August 1944 Elsie Shrigley and Donald Watson agreed the desirability of organizing a non-dairy vegetarian collective. In 1944 six non-dairy vegetarians along with the organizer Donald Watson met in London and made the decision to form the vegan society. “It was a Sunday, with sunshine, and a blue sky, an auspicious day for the birth of an idealistic new movement.” – Elsie Shrigley.
Not only in the British Isles has the progression of vegetarianism and veganism been so impressive but all over the developed world more and more people are taking up the meat free lifestyle, though some countries more than others.
The Netherlands has more vegetarians than any other western country, based on pro-rata scale of population, and Germany the once sausage and pork lovers now have more vegetarians than the UK.
Here are a few more stats:
In 2002 5% of the world were vegetarians and 29% of that 5% were vegans. (Yahoo answers).
In 2005 estimated 250,000 vegans worldwide. (Yahoo answers).
In 2007 2% of UK said they were vegans. (Wikipedia).
Estimated now in 2011 7-10% of world are vegetarian and 4-5% are vegan. (Yahoo answers).
According to answers.com the number of vegetarians are increasing by 10% every year, and 30% of India are lacto vegetarian because of religious beliefs.
“Historically the idea of abstinence from flesh had always had some currency amongst the educated.” –The vegetarian society.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Candidosis continued . . .

Candidosis –
 What do I do next?

When it comes to Candidosis there are three golden rules;
1.      The feeding of the yeast must be stopped
2.      The immune system must be supported
3.      A favourable environment must be created in the bowls
Here’s a look at the food products containing yeast;
·         Bakery products – All bread, buns, cakes, biscuits, rolls and any foods dressed in bread crumbs, twiglets, pizzas and bread pudding. Unless an allergy to wheat is suspected, soda or unleavened bread is fine.
·         Alcoholic drinks – All alcoholic drinks are risky as they all depend on yeast to produce alcohol. Root beer and home made ginger beer are also a risky choice.
·         Other drinks – Citrus fruit drinks and juices (only home squeezed are yeast free), malted drinks, tea and coffee.
·         Cereals  -  Malted cereals, malted, dairy foods for babies, cereals enriched with vitamins.
·         Condiments – Pickles and pickled foods, salad dressing’s, mayonnaise, horseradish sauce, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, French dressing, mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, olives, chilli peppers, tamari and soy sauce, vinegar and Worcester sauce.
·         Dairy products – All cheese, including cottage cheese and cheese spreads, buttermilk and milk enriched with vitamins.
·         Fungi – Mushrooms, mushroom sauce, truffles etc. contain organisms closely related to yeast.
·         Meat products – Hamburgers, sausages and cooked meats made with bread or breadcrumbs.
·         Yeast extracts – Bisto, marmite, oxo, Bovril, vegemite, gravy browning and all similar extracts.
·         Vitamins – All B vitamin preparations are likely to be derived from yeast, unless stated otherwise, but most manufacturers do make some B vitamin preparations that are yeast free. Some selenium rich foods.
·         Mould foods – These foods either belong to the mould family, encourage moulds or are prepared with them; buttermilk, sour cream, cheese snacks, peanuts, sour milk products, cheese dressings, cream cheese, pistachios, tinned and packet sauces, hydrolysed vegetable proteins and antibiotics. Many dairy products, meat and eggs contain antibiotics in small quantities. Eat sparingly.
·         Sugar foods – Sugar, sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glycogen, glucose milk, sweets, chocolate, sweet biscuits, cake, candy, cookies, puddings, desserts, canned foods, packaged foods, hamburgers, honey, mannitol, sorbitol, galactose, monosaccharide’s, polysaccharides, date sugar, turbinado sugar, molasses, maple syrup, most bottled juices, all soft drinks, tonic water, milkshakes, raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, dried figs and other dried fruits.
You should check your food labels carefully as yeast and sugar can be hidden. Also avoid MSG (Monosodium glutamate). Beef or hamburgers from a restaurant may contain added sugar. Due to its high content of natural sugars, try to avoid fruit for the first few weeks. Avoid altogether very sweet melons. It is best to avoid milk at first, but live natural yogurt is fine because of its Lacto Bacilli content (friendly bacteria) which will aid in re-balancing of the gut flora. As much fibre as possible should be eaten to increase to absorptive  surface of food in the gut and speed up the elimination of toxic waste, and this is easily achievable with plenty of fresh vegetables, raw and cooked  or replacing some meat based meals with cereal and pulse mixes. Oatbran or linseed may be added to the diet for the same purpose as well. Cut out red meat unless organically produced as this is to avoid antibody and steroid residues, white meat and fish are the better choice.
To avoid development of candida – related  food allergy it may be wise to try and eat foods in rotation, one food per day, with food groups being eaten twice per week.
Many sufferers of candida often develop an allergy to grains, wheat especially.
Sweeteners such as saccharin are ok in small doses short term but the long term effects are not known yet.

Treatment protocol:

·         The use of digestive enzymes – 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner.
·         B complex with vitamin C and zinc – 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner.
·         Odourless garlic – 2-3 capsules at breakfast and 2-3 capsules at dinner. (Together tea tree oil and garlic may be too much so begin with one and then change to the other).
·         Lactobacillus acidophilus capsules – 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. For powders – 2 level teaspoons in room temperature water with breakfast and dinner will suffice.
Other considerations may be:
·         Sodium ascorbate – 1 tsp. with breakfast and 1 with dinner.
·         Evening primrose oil – 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 with dinner.
·         Micellised essential fatty acids -  1ml. in water with breakfast only.
·         Micellised A plus E – 1ml. in water breakfast only.
·         Biotin – 200mg with breakfast and 200mg with dinner.
·         Mycostatin capsules (This is an anti fungal drug and can be valuable to break the yeasts hold but MUST NOT be overused as the patient will become dependant on them. If a muscle test indicates their use – consider 3 capsules with breakfast and 3 with dinner for five days, then followed by 1 capsule with breakfast and 1 with dinner for another five days.
·         Reduce your stress! – Take a look at every situation; work, home, relationship. Are you lacking exercise or relaxation?

Dioxychlor is an antioxidant used  mainly in Mexico in the cancer clinics. It is an illegal import, but can be bought in legally by individuals who buy it overseas. It is used in both homeopathic form and intravenously, Results are often favourable.

Some final considerations would be;

Post viral infection will be at the bottom of the immune suppression in all chronic Candidosis and Encephalomyelitis patients. These viruses are usually Epstein Barr (mononucleosis, glandular fever), cytomeglo virus (belonging to the herpes simplex group), hepatitis virus and coxsacci virus. Given time with the right food and relaxation the immune system will overcome them. The two faster routes with homeopathic nosodes or intravenous vitamin C therapy.
Amalgam filings contain toxins which combined with poor lifestyle makes the immune system weaker, in turn allowing this low level viral activity to gain the powerful hold that it does.

If you feel you or a friend may be suffering from Candidosis and tackling it on your own seems a little much then please seek help from a local nutritionist or dietary advisor.
If you would like my personal help please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions as I will be happy to help.

Thank you.
Kyle Kendall. (Personal fitness trainer/Diet and nutritional advisor)