Food, Bad Food?
After the last articles, you know
you really are what you eat and how essential enzymes and a good diet is, but
what is a good diet? What is good food? What is bad food? To follow is a list
of good foods and bad foods and some of the roles they play in the body. (taken
from Dr Gillian McKeith’s book – you are what you eat.)
Protein is
used for building muscle tissue.
protein – Vegetable protein is easily broken down and digested in the body.
Hemp is an excellent source of vegetable protein as is sprouted seeds, along
with many others.
protein – If your digestive system is week or just not as strong as it should
be then protein from red meats is going to be difficult to break down, cow’s
milk is also difficult for most people to digest, it’s very high in saturated
fat, low in vitamins and the mineral content is out of balance with human
are used by the body for energy as well as brain function and mood attitude.
carbs – Rice, grains, fruit, vegetables and wholegrain bread. These healthy
carbohydrates without added refined sugar and otherwise known as complex
carbohydrates, they contain natural sugars easily used by the body.
carbs – These include cakes, biscuits, chocolates, sweets and anything with
refined sugar, flour or processed white rice. Dr Gillian McKeith says ‘’If you
want to be fat and ill, eat bad carbs.’’ Eating bad carbs can lead to the
storing of carb residues as fat and in turn could lead to diabetes.
Some are
essential, some are deadly, a confusing area.
fats - These will lower cholesterol, boost immunity, nourish the reproductive
organs, skin hair and bone tissue and lubricate the body. These fats are so
important they called them ‘essential fatty acids’ (EFA’s) Dr Gillian McKeith
refers to them as ‘essential thinny acids.’
A few good sources of these fats are seeds – sunflower, flax and
pumpkin, sea vegetables, fish, avocado’s and olives.
fats - The effects of these fats can be fatal!
These are heavy fats that turn hard, block arteries and put you at risk
of heart attacks and strokes. These are of course saturated fats. The best
place to find these bad fats are cheese, red meat, pork and dairy products. But
by far the worst source of possible early grave is hydrogenated vegetable fat.
This is a result of a process that hardens liquid vegetable oils. These
hydrogenated vegetable fats turn into even more dangerous Trans fatty acids
which have been shown to cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer. These bad
fats also deplete good cholesterol and increase the bad. Still fancy a little
margarine on your toast? Unfortunately hydrogenated vegetable fat is in a wide
range of foods including, chocolate, crisps, sweets, ice cream, pastries and
baked goods.
Whilst in
the swing of things I would like to mention two more things, they are processed
foods and additives. Let’s start with processed.
So what are
processed foods? These are
foods that have to go through a process before getting to you, like plastic
wrapped foods, microwave foods, meal in a tin, supermarket sandwiches, I think
you get the picture. This type of food is no good for your body for so many reasons;
one being the processing of foods will change the proportions of nutrients
within the foods, meaning that by the time it gets to you it has little to no
nutrient value whatsoever. Another reason is additives.
will always be a huge problem with over 3000 allowed by the food industry
including sweeteners, flavour enhancers, nitrates, nitrites, preservatives,
bleaching agents and the lists goes on, but are they all safe? Were told they
are. When these little beauties find their way into our bodies from our
‘convenient’ foods they can cause allergic reactions, stress on the liver to
produce such chemicals, many of which are cancer forming.
Right now in today’s society with everything
at our fingertips it’s never been easier to make better choices about our
general health. In the words of David Wolfe ‘’Its either going to be this then
we eat or its going to be this then we eat, this could be the most horrid chemical
soup of all time or it could be the most extraordinary superfood of all time
and it’s the same amount of work to get it into our mouths.’’ What will you
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