Friday, 1 July 2011


By Kyle Kendall
You are what you eat! Today it is said so often by so many people, but do we really know how true this statement is? You are what you eat – does this mean if you eat a lot of burgers you will turn into a burger? Or if you eat a lot of vegetables you will start sprouting? No, it doesn’t, this statement needs to be taken literally, perhaps more like you are what you’ve eaten.  Please let me explain. . . . . . . .

To put it quite simply, the food we eat is broken down into tiny building blocks, which are then built back up into human tissue. Like I said; ‘you are what you’ve eaten’. David Wolfe puts it perfectly when he says ‘’the food we eat creates the tissues of our bodies, the energy of our bodies and deliberately effects the quality of our thoughts.’’ Take a minute to think about this statement, the food we eat creates the tissues of our bodies, so if what we’re putting in our mouths is processed foods with additives, flavourings, colourings, enhancers, stabilisers, preservatives, hormones, steroids, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, fast food high in fat, sugar, salt and MSG then the body has nothing else that it can build new tissue from except the building blocks that you have supplied, and in this example they are not the best choice of building blocks. If this was to be your diet then you would actually be built from this! You are what you eat!  You are what you’ve eaten!

‘’We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the global population and we have to be as zealous on nutrition as we apparently are on global warming. What we have to do is persuade the public you are what you eat, food can change your mood and you are everything you have ever done to yourself.’’ (Philip Day. Investigative journalist and author.)

Food really does matter. In these modern times with our fast food restaurants, takeaways , microwave meals and processed packaged snacks at every corner we turn, it is easy to forget how important food is, and not just this but also how powerful food is. Hippocrates, ‘the godfather of modern medicine’ said ‘’let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine.’’  He truly believed that the body had an innate power to heal itself from all illness. He’s not the only one, there are many people out there right now curing people of all types of illnesses using only nutrition, no modern medicine what so ever and with shockingly exceptional results in all areas.

In America, Dr Gabriel Cousins has been having great success for many years curing diabetes using a raw vegan based diet in which people are switching from their ‘standard American diet, S.A.D’ (Kristen Susanne. Raw chef and author.) consisting of convenience food, takeaways, fast food, chocolate, crisps, pastries and general junk food, to a Raw vegan diet consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, no meat, no dairy, no sugar and nothing heated above 44 degrees Celsius, (although this temperature fluctuates between sources) hence the name Raw vegan diet. Dr Cousins is reversing diabetes type 2 and type 1 in an amazingly short period of time. He has a documentary available on the internet called ‘Simply Raw – raw for 30 days.’ In this video you can see with your own eyes people changing from a situation they thought they would be in forever to a happier, healthier, medication and illness free lifestyle in only 30 days. This is the power of food!

 But is it because the food is not cooked?

 Results from studies done in the early 1900s on cooked foods showed that when cooked food enters the body the body goes into a state called ‘digestiveluekocytosis’ this means your body is seeing this food as an enemy and attacking it. The body attacks it by releasing white blood cells, thus if the body is always busy attacking the food we eat then it cannot do what it is meant to, and after a lifetime or even generations of eating cooked food, who knows what that actually is? Well, all you need to do to find out is not heat your food above 44 degrees Celsius. The reason food is not heated above 44 degrees is because at this temperature the living enzymes in your food die. Yes, you have living enzymes! Your food is full of them! Well ‘real’ food anyway. The enzymes are otherwise known as ‘little workers ‘and they are not only believed to be very important to life but absolutely essential. Food containing live enzymes may be referred to as Raw, live, or enzymatic food.

It doesn’t stop there; another programme that is thriving is ‘The Gerson therapy.’ This is a non-profit organisation working with cancer, among many other illnesses and with excellent results. The diet used in the Gerson therapy was created by Dr Max Gerson in the early 1900s, he actually created this diet for migraines but to his amazement it not only cured migraines but also diabetes, tuberculosis, cancers and just about everything else. He conducted an experiment with 450 patients suffering from tuberculosis and cured 446 of them before he went on to curing cancer patients using the same diet. There was a lot of controversy over this and eventually in 1958 Dr Max Gerson was poisoned and whilst ill had all of his journals stolen. He nursed himself back to health and re-wrote his book ‘A cancer therapy – results of 50 cases.’ One year later Dr Max Gerson was poisoned again with arsenic, but this time did not survive.

 Today his legacy lives on through his daughter Charlotte Gerson, who carries on his work in Mexico curing numerous cancer patients, including many who the medical system had given up on and been told ‘’there’s nothing we can do.’’ Well, now you know Dr Max Gerson was a great man that only wanted to help the world, you know the diet cures many illnesses and you know Charlotte Gerson is still using this diet today with amazing effects, but I bet you’re wondering what this diet is? Well it’s based around our little friends again – enzymes. The Gerson therapy diet offers jacket potatoes, homemade soups and a few more cooked dishes, but is heavily influenced by the Raw vegan diet again, allowing an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, (all organic of course, the last thing the body needs when healing is a heavy dosage of pesticides and many other deadly chemical cocktails). The method of delivery chosen by the Gerson therapy is freshly squeezed juice, 13 glasses every day to be exact, these are made from freshly juiced carrots and apples. That’s an enormous amount of fresh organic fruit and veg consumed every day in juice alone.

If enzymes are so important, then you can see how this diet works so well can’t you? By juicing, you not only make it possible to take in the nutrients from an otherwise nearly impossible amount to eat, but it also works like an express delivery system, because it has been stripped of every bit of fibre in your cells within minutes, now that’s quite amazing, isn’t it? That means you can literally start your healing process and start living your new energetic, healthier life in just minutes!

 But there’s something to think about first, before loading your body with wonderful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes, are you already full of toxins? I mean, you are what you’ve eaten, right? And if your diet is pretty similar to the S.A.D diet mentioned earlier then you may have quite a build-up.

The Gerson therapy has an answer for this and that is the organic coffee enema, for those of you who are wondering what this is, it involves brewing organic coffee in spring/mineral water and bringing it down to body temperature. This will be poured into an enema bag and gravity fed through a tube into the anal cavity. When one litre is inside you may remove the tube and hold in for around 15 minutes. In this time the solution will empty bile sacks, purify the blood and clean the walls of the colon. This technique of discharging bile, purifying human blood and cleaning walls is so efficient at removing toxins from the body that the Gerson therapy not only cure many people of a wide range of diseases including diabetes and cancer, but they also cure drug addicts and alcoholics too. By removing such an enormous amount of toxins left behind from the substance you are trying to rid heavy cravings are much less likely, making the ‘ditching’ whatever it is much more likely.

In the words of Dr Max Gerson ‘’it’s the doctors duty to activate end reactivate the body’s healing mechanisms, then the patients heal and it doesn’t matter what you call the disease.’’ Colon therapy can also be carried out using spring water alone; a cousin of David Wolfe lost 150lbs in 18 months on a Raw food programme. He moved his toxicity through his bowls, with 12 movements a day! He actually lost 15lbs in one day! David Wolfe recommends hydro colon therapy as opposed to letting all of those toxins exit through the skin, he says ‘’you want them to exit through the bowls.’’

Now you know you really are what you eat and how essential enzymes and a good diet is, but what is a good diet? What is good food? What is bad food? To follow is a list of good foods and bad foods and some of the roles they play in the body. (taken from Dr Gillian McKeith’s book – you are what you eat.)

Protein – Protein is used for building muscle tissue. Good protein – Vegetable protein is easily broken down and digested in the body. Hemp is an excellent source of vegetable protein as is sprouted seeds, along with many others. Bad protein – If your digestive system is week or just not as strong as it should be then protein from red meats is going to be difficult to break down, cow’s milk is also difficult for most people to digest, it’s very high in saturated fat, low in vitamins and the mineral content is out of balance with human biochemistry.

Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are used by the body for energy as well as brain function and mood attitude. Good carbs – Rice, grains, fruit, vegetables and wholegrain bread. These healthy carbohydrates without added refined sugar and otherwise known as complex carbohydrates, they contain natural sugars easily used by the body. Bad carbs – These include cakes, biscuits, chocolates, sweets and anything with refined sugar, flour or processed white rice. Dr Gillian McKeith says ‘’If you want to be fat and ill, eat bad carbs.’’ Eating bad carbs can lead to the storing of carb residues as fat and in turn could lead to diabetes.

 Fats - Some are essential, some are deadly, a confusing area. Good fats - These will lower cholesterol, boost immunity, nourish the reproductive organs, skin hair and bone tissue and lubricate the body. These fats are so important they called them ‘essential fatty acids’ (EFA’s) Dr Gillian McKeith refers to them as ‘essential thinny acids.’  A few good sources of these fats are seeds – sunflower, flax and pumpkin, sea vegetables, fish, avocado’s and olives. Bad fats - The effects of these fats can be fatal! 
These are heavy fats that turn hard, block arteries and put you at risk of heart attacks and strokes. These are of course saturated fats. The best place to find these bad fats are cheese, red meat, pork and dairy products. But by far the worst source of possible early grave is hydrogenated vegetable fat. This is a result of a process that hardens liquid vegetable oils. These hydrogenated vegetable fats turn into even more dangerous Trans fatty acids which have been shown to cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer. These bad fats also deplete good cholesterol and increase the bad. Still fancy a little margarine on your toast? Unfortunately hydrogenated vegetable fat is in a wide range of foods including, chocolate, crisps, sweets, ice cream, pastries and baked goods.

Whilst in the swing of things I would like to mention two more things, they are processed foods and super foods. Let’s start with processed. So what are processed foods? These are foods that have to go through a process before getting to you, like plastic wrapped foods, microwave foods, meal in a tin, supermarket sandwiches, I think you get the picture. This type of food is no good for your body for so many reasons, one being the processing of foods will change the proportions of nutrients within the foods, meaning that by the time it gets to you it has little to no nutrient value whatsoever. Another reason is additives.

 Additives will always be a huge problem with over 3000 allowed by the food industry including sweeteners, flavour enhancers, nitrates, nitrites, preservatives, bleaching agents and the lists goes on, but are they all safe? Were told they are. When these little beauties find their way into our bodies from our ‘convenient’ foods they can cause allergic reactions, stress on the liver to produce such chemicals, many of which are cancer forming.

 Right now in today’s society with everything at our fingertips it’s never been easier to make better choices about our general health. In the words of David Wolfe ‘’Its either going to be this then we eat or its going to be this then we eat, this could be the most horrid chemical soup of all time or it could be the most extraordinary superfood of all time and it’s the same amount of work to get it into our mouths.’’ What will you choose?

That brings me to superfoods. What constitutes a superfood? Dr Gillian McKeith says ‘’Superfoods are the most powerful nutrient-dense foods on the planet, and they have virtually no calories, no bad fats or nasty substances.’’ So what are these superfoods? Well there are quite a few so lets put them into categories, green superfoods, bee superfoods, herb-superfoods, sea vegetables, leafy superfoods and sprouts. It would take too long to go into each category in detail but I will list some of the foods for each category for the benefits of your next shopping list.

Green superfoods – Spirulina, chlorella, wild blue/green algae, barely grass, wheat grass and alfalfa grass.

Bee superfoods – Royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis.

 Herb-superfoods – Nettle, aloe Vera, Echinacea, astragals, and Siberian ginseng.

 Sea vegetables – Dulse, nori, kelp, arane, wakame and hijiki.

Leafy superfoods – There is so many, but here is a handful – Kale, chicory, lettuce, watercress, and Swiss chard.

Sprouts – Again, there are so many, but here are a few – Alfalfa, buckwheat, lentil, mung, adzuki and clover.

For me and many others, the absolute king of all superfoods must be cocoa, not in the processed and destroyed state we are all seeing but it its Raw state, because for those of you that did not know, cocoa comes from a nut, and quite an amazing one at that. Cocoa has the highest vitamin C content in the world as well as the highest antioxidant levels in the world! WOW! I know, and there’s so many more punches packed in this nut, it has the highest levels of magnesium and chromium, possibly the highest levels of manganese, zinc and copper. These benefits only come from the product being in its raw state.

There are so many of these amazing food stuffs out there that we know virtually nothing about, unfortunately in these modern times inverted values are common place, many people would rather spend their money on fast cars, fashionable clothing and new gadgets than the best superfoods on the planet.
It’s not all about the foods though. Let’s not forget about water, after all we are made up of 50 – 60% of it. Nothing can survive without water and almost nothing takes place in the human body without it playing a role. A 150lb man would be 90lbs of water; that’s about 80 pints. Our blood is comprised of 92% water. Water does everything from carry nutrients to the cells and waste nutrients away via the kidney to aiding the conversion of food to energy to lubrication of body tissues such as the eyes, lungs and air passages, and the list goes on, but before you rush to the tap filling glass after glass of water, now you know how essential to life and important to your well- being water is, you must consider the quality of the water you are putting into your body.

 Tap water will not only be unstructured (Dr Masuru Emoto – Water crystals) but contains many pollutants including chlorine, (which can cause allergies, diarrhoea or depression as well as destroying friendly bacteria – Nutrients A-Z. Dr Michael Sharon) fluoride and anti-corrosion chemicals. Filtering your water would be a great decision as this takes most of the ‘nasties’ out. Bottled water is not the best choice either I’m afraid, despite the great TV ads and marketing, not only is it too unstructured but plastic bottled water has a much worse secret – LEACHING! Have you ever heard of leaching before? If not, then information is easily found on the internet. Leaching is when chemicals used in the construction of plastic bottles are released into the water and thus drank by the consumer. A wide range of tests have been conducted with disturbing results, (check out a documentary on Google video called ‘Tapped.’)

By law, the water companies themselves do not need to provide any results for tests conducted on the water they are supplying and not only that, the tests are conducted by the same companies that sell the water. If your chef was his own hygiene manager, would you be curious about the quality of his kitchen? Now that ice cold bottle of water in the fridge doesn’t seem so appealing and the tap doesn’t look so inviting anymore, you could pop to your local superstore and pick up a water filter or there is another solution.

What if I told you that the best water in the world is free! And by the best I mean clean, pure, mineral rich, hydrogen rich, structured and completely radiation free.
Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not, and all you have to do is devote a little time and effort to finding a source and collecting it, yes I am talking about spring water.
As we all know, no matter how organically foods are grown they will always have some level of pollution/radiation on them from the air as it is always falling, including aluminium!?! (take a look at –‘What in the world are they spraying?’ Google video.) Daniel Vitalis conducted an experiment on water and discovered that it has no radiation at all! It genuinely is the only unpolluted substance left on earth, it would be the purest thing you will ever come into contact with in your lifetime, and you can be made of 50-60% of this. Why would you not want to experience that? If you have no idea where to find a spring try –, created by Daniel Vitalis. Some springs have great access for a car and others involve a hefty trek, so choose wisely and remember it’s not only the best water you can possibly drink but it’s also completely free!

Now you have a good idea about good food and bad food, the importance of water, the amazing healing powers of food, superfoods, enzymatic/live/Raw food and an understanding of my concept – ‘You are what you’ve eaten.’

Now I would like to ‘step outside of the box a little.’ All of us know what being a vegetarian consists of, and most of us know what being a vegan consists of, but what about Raw vegan, fruitarian, juicarian and Breatharian? To follow is a small explanation to each.

Raw vegan – This is somebody who eats the vegan diet but does not heat the food above 44 degrees Celsius in order to preserve all of the living enzymes. Somebody who has taken on this diet but eats Raw animal products/by-products, for example bee superfoods may still be referred to as a Raw foodie.

Fruitarian – This diet includes nothing but fruits. There are enough frutarians in the world right now living perfectly healthy and happy lives to say this diet really works. This is a high fibre, high nutrient diet.

Juicarian – This diet is similar to the fruitarian diet with the exception of fibre as all the fruit is usually pressed and juiced with the fibre stripped. This diet is all about the abundance of nutrients, a flood of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. And because the fibre has been taken away these goodies are delivered to your cells in minutes. Juices from vegetables are included too, as is water and sometimes green tea.

Breatharian – now this one seems a little hard to take in but believe me the evidence is overwhelming, you can see it for yourself, just put the word ‘Breatharian’ into your favourite search engine. The Breatharian with the highest profile could possibly be Jericho Sunfire. This diet consists of no food or water, confused? Once the body has been through an enormous amount of changes it starts to produce its own water (although we absorb up to 1.5 litres of water a day through our skin, baths, showers, rain etc.) The body will take the energy from the sun’s rays, like a plant does. It sounds like a tail you would tell your grandchildren but like I said there is a lot of evidence, so you make your own mind up.

Whilst we’re outside the box I would like to mention a few supplements being promoted by David Wolfe. I will only list these few and leave the search to yourselves, or should I say ‘leave you to blow your own minds.’ Marine phytoplankton. MSM. DMSO. And one of the biggest discoveries of all time, even defying all science – ORMUS. All very easily found on Google. Enjoy!

So, you are what you eat, and you know it. Good food is the most amazing thing, as it has the ability to build tissue, create energy, control moods and thoughts, make us immune to disease and connect us back to the earth again.

Let me leave you with something to think about. If what we take into our bodies is broken down and rebuilt into tissue, creating us, ‘you are what you’ve eaten,’ then a Raw vegan/foodie would be built from the most pure living plants and plant products on the planet . . . . . and a Breatharian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                             . . . . . THE SUN!

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